Signature Style Development
What is it?
The Signature Style Development program is for the woman ready to up her style game 10-fold. We go deep and help you get (or find) your signature style.
Who is this for
The woman who is looking to up her style game - a recent graduate entering the professional work world; a woman who just wants a new look and doesn’t know where to start; a business owner who needs to look the part; a corporate employee who is going for that big promotion. Our Signature Style Development package gives you just the right amount of style support to get you started along with extras to keep you going.
- 6 months of style education and support that teaches you what to wear and how to shop in order to build a timeless wardrobe that will save you stress and money.
- Seasonal wardrobe refreshers.
- Shopping and returns done for you.
- 1, 3-hour Closet Audit + Body Type Dressing Education *An additional Closet Audit may be needed if you have a large closet.
- 1 Individualized Wardrobe Action Plan that includes:
- Custom Style Mood Board
- Body Type Analysis + Color Recommendations
- Itemized Shopping List based on your body style, style preferences, and budget
- Brand + Store Recommendations
- 1, 3-hour Virtual Shopping Session.
- 2, 2-hour Wardrobe Restyling sessions with a digital folder of your new outfits.
- 6 monthly Style Support emails full of style advice and tips + tricks.
Style Extras
- Unlimited access to stylist via text + emails during the duration of your service and during office hours.
- Style Memos recapping each sessions.
STEP 1 - Closet Audit + Outfit Making
- Is your closet full of clothes that are 10-20 years old? Is your high school, collage, or pre-baby clothing staring at you from the back of the closet?
- Is your closet so packed that you don't even know what to wear?
- Do you spend time staring at your closet, wondering why you have so much clothes and nothing to wear?
- Our closet audit will address all of these issues while also giving you ideas for new outfits from what you already own.
- Worried about all those bags of discarded clothes? We'll take them all to be donated for you!
STEP 2 - Personal Shopping - Virtual or In-Person
- Hate shopping? Overwhelmed by the MANY choices that exist online and in person? Never know what exactly to buy?
- In our personal shopping sessions, we take care of all of this for you! No more shopping stress or wasting time wandering the mall.
STEP 3 - Wardrobe Restyling x 2
- One of the most cost-effective ways to create new outfits is to shop your own closet.
- We'll create coordinated, complete outfits from your exisitng and new wardrobe pieces that fit your life and style, without spending a dime!
- You'll receive a Digital Look Book of photos of each outfit for easy reference.
- We'll do this twice - once when your new pieces come in and again at the next seasonal change to help you get ready for the incoming season!