Episode 17: What’s Piercing Your Mindset Armor?
Hello and welcome back to the From Hobby to Full Time podcast. We’re in the midst of a mini-series all about mindset. Last week’s episode was really fun because it explores the idea of prepping for a MINDSET BATTLE - I give you 3 analogies on how to prep for this battle and practical things you can do. We’re continuing this theme and talking about the things that can PIERCE your armor in our minisode today. So, let’s get to it!
There are 3 BIG things that can easily pierce our mindset armor if we’re not careful. I want to talk about each of these as well as give you a few tactics you can implement to start your work on guarding against.
Fear - fear is the biggest arrow that can pierce our armor because it comes disguised in so many ways - fear of failure, fear of not having enough money, fear of not doing a good job, fear of success. Fear also has its place. As humans, we have fear in order to protect us from situations. This was certainly useful for our ancestors who had actual predators chasing them, but for us, in 2020 and beyond, the same fears do not apply. Our brains are working on an outdated operating system and it’s up to US to modify it. And this modification process takes REPETITION of all of the items we mentioned in preparing yourself for battle until it finally clicks in your brain that you are, actually, safe.
Comparison - you’ve heard the phrase: “comparison is the thief of joy” I’m sure. But I believe that it steals more than just joy. When the comparison arrow punctures your armor mindset, you start to bleed out creativity, confidence, and your own true intuition. When you compare yourself to others, you put what THEY are doing on a pedestal. All of a sudden, the things you do pale, even if you were so excited about them when you created it. Your creation, from your gut, doesn’t seem as good. Then you start to lose confidence. And then you start to lose your way.
Opinions - opinions of others is the final arrow that can easily pierce our armor and get in the way of our mindset battle. Now - you may be thinking, Ha - that’s not me. I do my own thing, I could care LESS what other’s think. And I’m sure that’s true. But I’m ALSO 100% POSITIVE that there is something where the opinions of certain people mean something to you. And I’m not talking about positive influences and situations where opinions may be of value. I’m talking opinions about people on the internet, but this can also include your family, extended family, religious family, friends. When you weight outward opinions more heavily than your own, your armor is pierced.
I don’t want to leave you feeling any doom and gloom but I do want you to put a pin in each of these when they come up for you and start to evaluate them: where does fear pop up? When does comparison happen? What opinions ruffle your feathers?
Asking yourself a few simple questions can help you start to recognize patterns and shift them. Doubtless, you’ll do this over, and over again. Your brain needs repetition and your brain needs reassurance it’s safe. Four great to ask yourself come from The Work by Byron Katie’s. They are:
Is this true?
Can I know absolutely is this true?
How do you react, what happens when you believe that thought?
Who would you be without that thought?
I’ll link her in the show notes. This is your assignment this week. A brief journaling exercise and prompt questions to start plugging the holes that may appear in your mindset armor. Till next week! Thanks so much for tuning in!
Bryon Katie: